29 mrt



Land’s End

stretched a little, by man’s hand

the small dyke to the island

the estuary waves


The soul wavering

enough land in sight

to live the illusion of

a wafer-thin screen

between alien and home

safety first, for those

who do not brave the sea


Tidal flooding of the little link

as close to freedom

this bump of earth can ever get

millions of years have passed

a motherless child, afraid of letting go

always holding someone’s hand


Then again

 at high tide it might allow

the coming of a second Christ

to cheat and walk the waters


An elegant tern is floating by

telling cowards of the sad imprisonment

in the shackles of freedom


[pace the poet’s guide:

beware of anthropomorphism]


Sierksma, Port des Barques 7.10/2023

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