Tag Archives: Pin in Hole


14 dec


I love my Patty

do I love Patty

do I love Patty Smith –

Hi-Fi love

as otherwise

I have to share her

with the others

which I won’t


Hi-Fi love

never a tiff

a life-long affair

long playing

screeching voice

digging in

her lyrics say things

no words

scratching the soul

Kafka’s needle

etching one’s back

acid in wounds

amplifying our voice

the player our bed

laying her gently

pin in hole

moving and turning

one side to the other

von hinten wie von vorne

outside, the side we take

unreal love unbounded

the night’s for lovers

sprinkling of insomnia

sweetened by songs


You white nigger – you injun

sock it to me, babe


One stain, one stain

here’s where you went wrong –

to be outside the law

do not be honest

the outside never ends –

don’t call all ‘holy’

don’t of a sudden mention

‘freedom’ and ‘the people’


Sierksma, Montmorillon 6.12/2022